Location: New Port Richey, Florida, United States

Monday, February 27, 2006

The Invincible Word of God

"Heaven and Earth will pass away, but My Words will not pass away" Matthew 24:35

I think one of the major stumbling blocks to today's Christians is that they do not have a true, abiding, appreciation and love of the Word of God. As such, we have a deficient knowledge of that pure Word. And without a knowledge of that word, a pure walk is impossible. It is absolutely impossible to walk the Christian life without a thorough affection and understanding for God's Word.

It is with that in mind that I'd like to do a little segment on some of the qualities of the Word. It is my prayer and my hope that somebody who needs to read this will indeed read it, and perhaps glean something from the ramblings of a beggar.

The first, and one of the coolest things, about the Word is that it's invincible. God has promised over and over in it that His word will last FOREVER. It's gonna stick around for a while! The Bible you hold in your hands and read is the same Bible that has been around for literally thousands of years! How amazing is that?!

And not only this, but the Bible has been the target of thousands of attacks from those who would bury Christianity. Century after century, God's enemies line up their guns and fire upon His word. Century after century, God's word emerges victorious, and its enemies lie in the dust. I believe it was Voltaire who said that within one hundred years of his death, Christianity would be dead (and the Bible along with it, is the logical assumption.) What I find incredibly humorous is that within a hundred years of Voltaire's death, a Christian organization had bought his house and was printing Bibles within it!

The fact of the matter is, thousands of people have claimed over the years to have buried the Bible and the faith it proclaims, and yet the invincible Word of the Lord rises up to bury its pallbearers.


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