"These things I have spoken to you, so that in Me you may hae peace. In the world you have tribulation, but take courage; I have overcome the world." John 16:33
Many take this to mean that in persecution, do not be dismayed. Whenever most pastors preach on this, I would imagine that the message they give is one of "You can endure persecution for Jesus' sake!" I think that is a terribly limiting way to understand this bit of God's word.
I go through tribulation every day, as do all of you, I know. When we struggle with sin, we face tribulation. When we face our enemies, we face tribulation. When we lose a job for His sake, we face tribulation. When family treats each other poorly or leaves us....we certainly face tribulation. The word tribulation in the Greek is thlipsis, which simply means trouble! As a broader sense, it means affliction, oppression, pressure, distress, straits, and a million other aspects of the same idea.
Jesus wasn't just saying that when we are persecuted, to take heart. He was saying that no matter what you are going through, take heart! Is your dad a drunk? Take heart, Jesus has overcome the world! Are people around you being false Christians? Take heart, Jesus has overcome the world! Are you sick? Take heart! Find joy in the fact that our Jesus has conquered the world, and it is His to command! What an incredible promise!